My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye may not sin. And if any man sin, we have an ADVOCATE with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
What is to ADVOCATE?
To ADVOCATE (verb)
is to speak, plead, or argue in favor of.
....and what is an ADVOCATE? (noun)
A Supporter of a cause.
One that pleads the cause of another; specifically:
One that pleads the cause of another before atribunal or judicial.
Some lawyers are addressed as ADVOCATES.
1 John 2 v 1 says, we have an ADVOCATE should we find ourselves guilty of any sin. If we repent and be sorry of our sin, He is there for us before God.
In the courts of law an ADVOCATE is no ordinaryperson but a recognized lawyer registered legally in terms of the laid out standards. Jesus goes before the Father God in His NAME as an Advocate. He is the only one recognized in heavenas an ADVOCATE.
ALMIGHTY (Rev 1 v 8 ) KJV
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, theALMIGHTY.
ALMIGHTY is composed of All + Mighty. and All means All, no remainder.
(Latin : Omni Potens )
ALMIGHTY means Omnipotent.
Having absolute power.
All powerful with informal greatness, exteme potent.
ALMIGHTY is an Abrahamic term for God. Abraham knew God as ALMIGHTY because he proved God could do all things including even the logically impossible. He can do anything He chooses to do and He has power not to break His own nature and law.
His nature is that what He speaks is the Truth so He has power to be able NOT to lie. He has power to be consistent in His nature and His law regardless of man's offences against Him.
The ALMIGHTY has power to know everything all the time, Omniscient. He has power to be in every place all the time, Omnipresent.
Our saviour has a name. His name is Jesus but ALMIGHTY is the NAME of Jesus. We may not understand fully the difference between Jesus's personal name and His NAME as known in heaven but we shall continue to share about the NAME of Jesus rather than the name Jesus. After all the name Jesus was not for the heavens but for us who had to be saved.
He is not refered to as Jesus in heaven but by His NAME, the name He had even before He was born of a woman.
I do not know by what name the angels call Him, all what I know is that His name is not an identification tool like mine but a NAME with substance.
I am ALPHA AND OMEG, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, thealmighty.
From the same scripture we got the NAME of Jesus ALMIGHTY we find the NAME of Jesus ALPHAAND OMEGA.
It is not that His name is Alpha and the other Omega, no.
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet while Omega is the last.
The alphabet is a standard set of letters, the recipe of any and all the words forming a lunguage. A set pf letters or symbols in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language; in particular, the set of letters from A to Z in the English alphabet and Alpha (symbol) to Omega (symbol) in the Greek one.
The basic elements in a system which combine to form complex entities : " DNA's 4-letter alphabet".
Now the NAME of Jesus ALPHA-ANA-OMEGA , the first of all letters and the last of all letters. He was the first to unlock and Hewill be the last to lock. Nothing was before Him and nothing will be after Him. He said the first Word and He shall say the last Word.
What a name is the NAME of Jesus ALPHA AND OMEGA, the ''A''-and-''Z'' .
We cannot go outside "A"and "Z" in the realm of literature, likewise Christ Jesus is the "A"and"Z" of all God's creation and all that is in between , we cannot go outside His. His name is ADVOCATE , ALMIGHTY , ALPHA-AND-OMEGA .
AMEN the NAME of Jesus
Revelation 3:14
"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:These are the words of the AMEN, the faithful and true witness, the rulerof God's creation.
The AMEN, what a name.
This Hebrew amen is derived from the root [ aman ], which means to be firm or solid in the sense of permanency or faithfulness. Thus by implication, it means to be sure or true.
The word “amen” is a Biblical word, used by God, and by His people through out and since Biblical times.
Amen is one of the few words of scripture which is written in its original Hebrew form. In fact, it ispractically a universal word, having been adopted directly from theHebrew into Greek, Latin,English, Spanish, and many other languages. Found both in the Old and the New Testaments.
Let us see why AMEN is the NAME of Jesus. We have from previous discussions seen that the NAME of Jesus is so broad that no book and no mind could contain it. Is it not a wonder that it has not been completely translated into any of the lunguages. Let us see how AMEN and amen hasbeen used in various scriptures.
e.g. Numbers 5:22
May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells and your thigh wastes away.""'Then the woman is to say,"Amen. So be it." [NIV]
.....and from the [KJV] And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shallsay, Amen, amen.
The NIV has made thr AMEN, amen differ and I like it that way. It will help us understand whenwe say ''amen'' after prayer and AMEN as the NAME of Jesus.
One of God’s names or titles is "The God of Truth" . If we left the lastword untranslated, the title would read, "The God of Amen" (Isa 65:16).
Paul used the word as anaffirmation when he said of Christ ''For as may be the promises of God, in him they are 'yes' and in him 'Amen'" (2Co 1:20).
And he also uses the word himself;
Romans 11:36
*. "For of him, and through him, and to him,are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen."To the creator God be glory for ever, Amen or truly.
In both passages Amen has something to do with affirmation.
Now Jesus is the affirmation of all things. He is the Amen. Christ is the Truth in person and in Spirit, so that He alone could fulfill God's faithfulness to His people.i.e., whatever promises the Lord declares surely will come to pass through Christ. When we come to the knowledge of the Lord, we come to the knowledge of truth.
One of the names of Jesus is "The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness" (Rev 3:14).
Greek References: aµ?? ameen translated by Lukeas a????s aleethos , ''truly''.
When we compare an instance of this in Mark, with the same statement in Luke, we find that Mark has left the word untranslated (just as aµ?? “Amen”), but Luke has translated it using the word a????s "Truly".(Mark 9:1, Lke 9:27).
This shows us that the meaning of AMEN is ''truth'' and ''verily''.
Like it was used in the scripture here-under;
John 8:51
*. " Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death." The word translated 'verily' is that very same Hebrew word [ amen ], and it means that what is now being said is most assuredly, truth.
In the land of Israel, when a prayer or prophecy was made,or a law of God was read, "All the people said, “Amen”"(Neh 5:13, 8:6).
Deuteronomy 27:20-23
*. "Cursed be he that lieth with his father's wife; because he uncovereth his father's skirt. And all the people shall say, Amen.
*. Cursed be he that liethwith any manner of beast. And all the people shall say, Amen.
Paul implies that people should say “Amen” at theend of a prayer in church(1Co 14:16).
The word “Amen” appears therefore to be the fitting last word for solemn Like we discussed previously, Jesus is the Alpha ''beginning'' and the Omega ''ending'', hence the AMEN.
We therefore must exercise caution when using the word AMEN. Most people use it randomly and ''un-reverend-l y''
A preacher would say, "I brushed my teeth this morning and went right out the door," and you hear from the congregation whistling and shouting,"Amen! ", ''Amen!'' That is an improper use of the word. For they aren't affirming anything as truth, it's just an automatic response. It has become a habit of saying Amen in church. One would even say, ''If Ising out of code, just say Amen.''
When we say Amen, it should only be to the glory of God. It means that we believe all the things we have read are true, or are confident God hears our petitions. It is like an solemn appeal that we know something with absolute certainty. To say “Amen” to Biblical truth is Biblical,it should be done rightly, and reverently and regularly.
For AMEN is the NAME ofJesus and a sacred affirmation of the Word of God. Either way we must say AMEN and amen with reverence.
The NAME of Jesus,